Artikel von GSR
„Ensuring Maritime Compliance“
Vision for IHM-Compliance and Ship Recycling
Very insightful interview
„A way ahead“
Ship Recycling in a Nutshell (English)
Ship Recycling in a Nutshell (Arabic)
Delve into common practices, innovations, sustainability and green steel
Responsible ship recycling starts with getting the IHM prepared
Compliant Recycling of a Navy Tanker
New regulations will improve ship recycling, but shipowners must help
EuropeanCEO „Steadying the ship“
HANSA International Maritime Journal: Grünes Recycling und schwarze Schafe
The European „Get on board with GSR“
European Business Magazin „The Rise of Green Shipping“
Cision „Sustainable Ship Recycling Company GSR Services Scoop Prestigious Business Worldwide Magazine CEO Award“
Business Worldwide Magazine „Green and safe ship recycling on the agenda“
europeanceo „Shipbreaking is a vital industry, but environmental reform is needed“
Green4See „Inventory of Hazardous Materials: Current status & best practice“
Vor 2017
Hansa International Maritime Journal „Hazardous Times in Europe?“
Der Spiegel “Gefragter Schrott”
Tradewinds “Asbestos Failure By Class Societies”
LZ Lüneburg “Marshallplan als Initialzündung”
Hamburger Abendblatt „Die Umweltdetektive aus Lüneburg“0.07.2012: Zeit Online „Abwracker sind die Krisengewinner“
Hansa International Maritime Journal „Gutes Recycling inklusive Entsorgung kostet mehr“
VDR – Deutsche Seeschifffahrt „Grünes Schiffsrecycling“
Hansa International Maritime Journal „Why life cycle considerations have to go beyong known boundaries“
Lloyds List “Shiprecycling convention may unearth legal minefield”
Wichtige Downloads
„Forms of Material Declaration and Suppliers Declaration of Conformity according to IMO and EU“ (updated)
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (SR/CONF/45)
2023 Guidelines for the Development of Inventory of Hazardous Materials – Res. MEPC.379(80)
2011 Guidelines for the Development of the Ship Recycling Plan – Res.MEPC.196(62)
2012 Guidelines for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling – Res. MEPC.210(63)
REGULATION (EU) No 1257/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 20 November 2013 on ship recycling and amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 and Directive 2009/16/EC
“EU – Ship Recycling Facility Guidelines – FAQs“ Requirements and procedure for inclusion of facilities located in third countries in the European List of ship recycling facilities — Technical guidance note under Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 on ship recycling
„EMSA’s Best Practice Guidance on the Inventory of Hazardous Materials“ which provides a collection of best practices for development of IHMs which are not mandatory or to be used for approving of certifying IHMs